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Caedrel Reacts To MSF Vetheo Solo Killing HLE Chovy!!
Caedrel reacts to Chovy's unseen Azir Wall Trick
Caedrel Reacts To Bwipo's Penta Kill vs Faker!!
Vetheo Disrespects Humanoid and gets killed
Caedrel reacts to EDG Botlane getting Solokilled by Diamonds
Nemesis reacts to chovy outplay
Caedrel reacts to DK Showmaker Pentakill in Soloq
Caedrel Reacts To Showmaker Getting One Shot By EUW Kha' Zix!!
Caedrel Reacts To Bjergsen Cancelling Malz Ult! - "Now I'm Not The Only One!"
Caedrel Reacts To 100T FBI's INSANE Heal On Aphelios
One EUW Diamond Player And Nine Pro Players - Caedrel Tracking The Pros!!